Vampires Night
It's been a lean Alice year, especially considering I managed 9 shows last year.
But this is the Hollywood Vamps year, Johnny apparently did 5 films last year to free himself up for this, and Alice is seemingly enjoying his time off from being 'Alice'. I understand why he likes it, it's his idea of being a 'bar band' an arena, lol....
They are here in the UK for 4 dates, all of them arenas (given the Depp effect), and so I felt that I have to go and support him, even though it's not really my thing, and, I have actually seen them before in Stockholm 2016. But it's important to me that Steve sees them too, at least once.
So, Steve and I are off to Wembley tomorrow, a venue that I detest, because the stage is so bloody high that it's really hard to see what's going on, even when you're at the barrier. But how could I be anywhere else?........ 6, 10, or 26 rows back, and I wouldn't be able to see see anything at all, because, although it is seated, everyone will stand up (and I don't blame them, I would too).............and I'm only 5' 1".
This is very annoying, as I used to be 5'2", (and a bit, very important, that bit) but I discovered recently that I've shrunk, so all you peeps out there who thought you were still the same height as when you were 25, try measuring yourself again!
Anyway, my very first Alice show was at Wembley in 1975, and I was so far away, I needed binoculars......SO not doing THAT again.
I bought the tix on a resale site (as usual) because that's pretty much the only way I'll ever get front row. Would've helped if I'd been around to be on the pc the day the tix went on sale, but I was at the hospital being prodded, so, resale site it is.
Although actually, tbh, I wasn't even planning to buy them, I was just trying to find out the seat numbers - and suddenly I'd bought the tix! Get Me In, I think it was this time, but honestly, they are all robbers.....How can you sell tickets without a seat and row number??? FFS. And the 'admin' fee??? Like, £45??? For the privilege of printing my own ticket??? Grrrrrr. Bring back the old days.......
Well, at least I have row 1, I mean elsewhere, they are actually selling tix for a Stoopid amount, without even a block no., let alone the row!! Such a bloody rip off......
I am hoping that the security will be as lax as it was last time, and that they will at least let us stand at the barrier. There were hundreds of people at the barrier last time I was there. I understand why everybody runs for it, I'm pretty sure I would too, but it's a bit galling when you've paid 200 quid for the privelege.....and then a guy who suddenly shows up behind (or in front of) you catches Alice's cane, simply because he's 2 ft taller than you are.......grrrrrrrrr.
Maybe I am getting too old for this lark, it seems like a real marathon every time, and it only takes a tiny little thing to completely ruin the night for me......
But, as the alternative is not going, I will carry on........ :)
And so here we are, the day has arrived, and I am nervous as hell......! Bloody cancer, it has sucked the life out of me, it's hard to make myself go out at all sometimes, (why????) but I am struggling to ignore it and carry on, because I love to see Alice, and I know I'll be fine when I get there. Eventually, I hope I will get over this, just gotta keep on keeping on.
And then, once I'd met up with old friends and, although I only drank soda water, I began to loosen up a bit, (oh alright, there was one wine spritzer..........which may have helped...)
SO lovely to see my Alice friends again. Not all of them obvs , but at least some. Steve C (of course!), Sarah, Denise, Mandy, Steve L, Yvonne and Ben, Paul, GothicSue, and also a friend from work Becky. This is such a big part of the gig thing for me, seeing everybody who feels the same about Alice as I do, so much fun!
Anyway, Steve and I met up at Chievely services (thanks J for the lift!) and made our way to Wembley. I'd booked a hotel about 4 mins walk from the Arena, cos I like to be really close. This is so that if I forget the tix (again!), it's not far to go back. We checked in and then went off to see the others at a tapas bar in the newly formed arcade, just a few mins walk away.
I find it all a bit weird, tbh. The Wembley I remember from my youth consisted of the market every Sunday by the (old) Stadium, and a bit further up was the Head Office for Cromwells Bazaar,(Fulton Rd) who I worked for in the 80's, then there was a kind of wasteland up to the Arena, (or the Empire Pool, as it was in my day), and then a bit more desert til you got to York House, (where I also worked for a couple of years). Now it's full of blocks of flats, shops, car parks etc, and they have reversed the Arena, so that the front is now the back.....this meant it took me ages to re-orientate myself.
The Hotel was the Wembley Int, abso fine for a nite, even the air con worked, always a good sign. We checked in, dumped our bags and set off for the bar to meet up with everyone. Honestly, this is the best part, SO bloody good to see you all again......
A lovely afternoon passed, so good to see everyone!
Steve and I went back to our hotel to get changed. Steve had to change, he always dresses up as Alice, I dunno how he does it, I would not be able to cope with it - I mean, the heat!! We have been to some places where it is absolutely boiling, and he still does it, that's dedication for you! I would faint, I'm sure. But he always looks AMAZING! And he was especially looking good tonight, which meant that he Got Noticed....!
We walked down to the Arena, and checked out our seats. When I booked it, accidentally, there wasn't a seat number, so I was expecting it to be in front of speakers, at the end of the row. But, it was actually not too bad, right in front of Johnny Depp's space. Would rather be in front of Tommy's, but, hey ho.
After the usual interminable wait, support bands etc - gotta say I really enjoyed The Darkness - they came on, Alice leaving Johnny til last, of course. But as soon as he came over to us, he pointed at Steve, and gave us, well, him, a thumbs up, something he continued to do throughout the show! Tommy came over to our side a couple of times, but we never managed eye contact, which makes me a bit sad.....
Such a great show!! It's very different from the usual Alice show, but such a treat to see him do different songs for a change.
Kyler came out to take pics, as he does, and we had the usual hugs (squeeeee!!) Also, Amber appeared at some point, more hugs...^-^ , honestly, these moments during a show absolutely make my day.
About a year ago, I asked Alice if I could have some of his old gloves, and he was like, 'Of course! We'll get them to you somehow', which means of course, Kyler has to sort it.....and he did!!! He came out with one of Alice's gloves from the Jesus Christ Superstar filming, it even had Alice's 'cheat' notes written on it!
I am blown away. I woulda been happy with any old gloves Alice had worn, I mean, why wouldn't you? But Kyler went the extra mile, as he does, and I am sooooooo grateful, thank you my friend, I appreciate it SOOOO much!
Loved the setlist, lots of covers, and a few new tracks from the HV new album, hope it comes out soon. especially liked Sweet Emotion - I've heard it before, they did it in Stockholm 2 years ago, but this time is was AMAZING! Joe Perry does that talk box thing, blowing into a tube, and it was , I dunno, on another level, so brilliant........
And then Kyler comes back out and tells Steve that Johnny wants him to come backstage !!! So, off he went , and we're all like, what's going on??? Well, apparently, when Alice does the final introduction thing, Johnny has been getting audience members who are dressed up as him, to come on instead....and this time he thought it would be good to prank Alice for a change!
So Steve got to be onstage, introduced as JD, and Alice took it in his stride of course. Steve made the most of it, bless him, and then went off and stood next to Jimmy Page without noticing, hah!! Don't blame him, I expect he is still on cloud nine, even now!!
What a great evening, and a great show, wish we could do another one, but sadly it's a bit late in the day.
Still hoping for Alice to come back here, or at least somewhere in Europe later in the year.
Justin gives it some welly |
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Denise gave them all bracelets, and here's Tommy wearing his |

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Heroes |
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