Well, it's over at last. And after all that angst, I am now missing it already!
The 3 days of exam went ok, I had a kind of schedule, do the silk painting and a bit of screen printing (of the lyrics) on the first day, second layer of printing, plus background painting of the 2 pieces of calico on the second day, and the 3rd day, sew layers of the lyric printed muslin over each other and paint 'No More Pencils, No more Books' on top , and finish off all the layers on the other 2 pieces. This included stitching bits and pieces on to it, painting with puff paint, and adding beads, and all the other stuff that I routinely think of at the last minute etc etc........
I decided halfway through, that the method of mounting it onto the vinyl was pants, and that I had to come up with something else. Glueing counts as 'presentation' and is allowed after the designated hours.....but, annoyingly, I felt they needed sewing on, which meant punching holes in the vinyl first, and also that I had to finish it within the time perameters allowed.

So I gaily carried on with punching holes into 2 of the records, one of which was a Donny Osmond single that I bought randomly in a charity shop, hah!! I love the irony here, when I was 14 and madly in love with Alice, Donny was also a major player in the singles chart, but I always hated him. With every fibre of my being..........really..........I mean, Puppy Love?....Such crap.
So, punching holes in a single of his was very theraputic, I enjoyed it SO much, hah!. And then I covered up the label on the reverse with a copy of a School's Out label. Very satisfying!!
The other record was a 12 inch, actually one of Alice's. I felt it was important that I included one of his records in my final piece, as it was about School's Out, but there was absolutely No Way, I would ever use my 45 year old copy......or any other subsequent copy I might've bought on ebay. I would never have been able to 'abuse ' them in any way, even after all these years.
Bit of a dilemma........

In the end. I used an LP of The Alice Cooper Show (I seem to have 3 copies), and I duly punched holes around the edge of the record.........but I have to say, it hurt...
I am so sorry Alice, but I know this album was a thing that Had To Be Done, and that you probably hate it, so I reckon of all of them, this was the best one to use.
Gotta say, sewing it on looked amazing, just right! But it took me flipping ages, and I was still sewing it, right up to the last minute!! Thank god I didn't have the hang the flipping thing in the exam time, it never woulda happened...
I spent the next morning hanging it up, and I am happy to report that I actually like it at this point. And, anyway, if I don't get the predicted A *, I guess it doesn't really matter, as I am not going on to uni, and a career in the arts, theatre and stage design.....................fuck, if only I had my time again........
.........Much, much later......
Happy to report that my tutor saw fit to give me an A* .....so I just have to wait til Aug to see what the moderator thought.....Do I care?........YESSS!!
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